
The Compass Guide to Dementia Care

Navigating a diagnosis of dementia can be daunting. You likely have many questions, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to turn to for answers and help. But rest assured, you’re not alone in this journey.

Presenting: “The Compass Guide to Dementia Care” – an exclusive online course tailored for Bermuda’s caregivers facing the challenges of dementia care head-on. This course is your companion, equipping you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence to provide exceptional care for your loved one with dementia. If you’re ready to elevate your caregiving journey, for both you and your loved one, join us today!

There are estimated to be more than 3000 people diagnosed with Dementia in Bermuda

80% of Dementia Care is undertaken by unpaid family members who report high levels of caregiver stress & burnout. 

Caring for a loved one experiencing cognitive decline can be particularly challenging. They may not be aware of the difficulties they are experiencing, and may be resistant to offers of assistance from others. Many caregivers describe their experiences as being a “constantly moving target” with every day bringing new challenges and learning. 

Understanding these struggles allows us to develop targeted educational resources and support systems to address the specific needs of family caregivers of individuals with Dementia here in Bermuda.

Many of the caregivers we support report feeling overwhelmed with the burden of caregiving. This is often due to:

What You'll Learn

We know that Dementia is a constantly moving target, and that caregivers already feel overwhelmed by the burden of caring for their loved one with Dementia. This free online resource can be accessed when you need the information, at a time that is most convenient for you. 

This course is designed, by healthcare professionals, specifically for family members who are caring for individuals with dementia to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and mindset necessary to overcome overwhelm, and confidently care for your loved one with Dementia. 

Understanding Dementia

Gain a deep understanding of the various types of dementia, their symptoms, and progression. Learn about the underlying causes, risk factors, and available treatments and gain confidence in providing appropriate care and making informed decisions.

Planning for the Future

Gain insights into legal and financial considerations, advance care planning, and long-term care options. Prepare for the future to ensure the best quality of life for you and your loved one.

Effective Communication

Discover proven strategies to communicate effectively with individuals living with dementia. Enhance your ability to connect, reduce frustration, maintain meaningful connections with your loved one and foster a positive and supportive environment.

Creating a Safe Environment

Learn how to adapt the home environment to ensure safety, reduce confusion, and promote independence. Explore home modifications, safety measures, equipment aids and assistive devices.

Daily Care Tools & Essentials

Learn practical caregiving techniques to assist with Activities of Daily living (ADLs), including personal hygiene, nutrition, medication management, and fall prevention. Get resources such as checklists, guides, and templates that offer practical assistance in daily caregiving tasks.

The System

How to navigate the Bermuda Health and Social Care system to get the help you need, when you need it. Gain more awareness of what resources and support services are available locally, and how to go about accessing the help you need in a timely manner.

Behaviour Management

Understand the common behavioural changes associated with dementia and acquire valuable tools to manage challenging behaviours with confidence and compassion. The course can provide practical techniques to de-escalate agitation, prevent wandering and other safety risks, and promote a calm and safe environment.

Caregiver Self-Care & Emotional Well-being

Discover self-care strategies to prevent burnout, reduce stress, and maintain your emotional well-being. Learn how to seek support and cope with the emotional challenges of caregiving to create a balance between caregiving responsibilities and personal life.

Enroll Today and Transform Your Caregiving Journey!

Course Outline

Engaging Video Lessons:

Access a series of high-quality video lessons that simplify complex topics and provide practical demonstrations and real-life scenarios.


Reinforce your learning through interactive activities, quizzes, and self-reflection exercises, allowing you to apply your knowledge to practical care situations.

Downloadable Resources:

Get exclusive access to downloadable resources, including caregiving guides, checklists, and helpful templates to assist you in your day-to-day caregiving responsibilities.

Expert Guidance:

Benefit from the wisdom and expertise of our experienced instructors who will guide you throughout the course, addressing your concerns and providing personalized support.

Community Support:

Join a vibrant community of fellow caregivers in our private online forum. Connect, share experiences, and learn from one another while receiving ongoing encouragement and support.

Lifetime Access:

Enjoy lifetime access to the course materials, including any future updates and additions. Feel confident that you can revisit the content at any time to refresh your knowledge and tap into resources as you require them throughout the care continuum.

Invest in your own well-being and the quality of care you provide to your loved one with dementia. Enroll in The Compass Guide to Dementia Care and gain the knowledge, skills and strategies to navigate the complexities of dementia caregiving with confidence and compassion.

Don’t wait! Your loved one deserves the best care possible, and you deserve the support and guidance to make that happen. Join our community of dedicated caregivers and embark on a transformative journey today!

*This resource does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, videos and other material contained on this site are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen*

NorthStar Dementia is pleased to have received the support of Centennial Bermuda Foundation’s Community Health & Fundamental Needs Committee through their grant for the development of this educational resource.