Marie Fay

Clinical Director

What I like to be called: Marie

People who know me best: My husband Alex, two children Maia-Jane and Lincoln and pet dog Bubbles

Things that are Important to Me: Home, family, and friends who are like family, are so important to me. My tribe is spread across several continents so it can be challenging to get us all together, so I am really appreciative of the opportunities when we get them.

I would like you to Know: I am an introvert and enjoy spending time one to one or in small groups with authentic friends over good food. I am also an empath and can easily read other people’s energies and emotions. I can get over-stimulated when things are loud/chaotic or when I am feeling tired and burned out. On these occasions I benefit from some quiet time alone, with a cup of tea/or glass of wine to regroup.

My Life so Far: I have worked as an occupational therapist specializing in dementia care services for over 20 years. I am originally from the UK but met my husband here in Bermuda while in high school. I have lived and worked in the UK, Canada and Bermuda. I love travelling and seeing the world with my family. Outside of work I enjoy creative pursuits such as painting, mosaic and pottery.