Alleisha Lambert
Occupational Therapist
What I like to be called: Alleisha
People who know me best: My Parents, sister and Pup Kruz
Things that are Important to Me: Family is important to me and being a dog mom. My family is very close so I am appreciative of the times we spend together though we each have busy lives.
I would like you to know: I enjoy travelling and spending time with nature. Spending time by the water brings me peace and reminds me of how beautiful our island is I will be forever grateful.
My Life so Far: I have worked as an Occupational Therapist for 8 years. I studied Occupational Therapy in London and returned to Bermuda, as I was a scholarship recipient. I am currently the Occupational Therapist for Child and Adolescent Services at MWI. I love travelling and seeing the world with family and friends. Outside of work, I enjoy doing community service and giving back to those in need.